I conduct Individual therapy for people who are struggling with managing and resolving difficult experiences in their life. I help people gain new perspectives on their life and learn effective strategies to manage the ups and downs of life. I have experience in helping people who struggle with depression, adjustments in life, relationship problems and anxiety. I help people through using their strengths to manage difficult emotions. I also help Individual’s identify their values and needs in their life so they can remove barriers that are impacting their ability to move forward in their lives.
I conduct joint couples therapy to help resolve relationship conflict and improve the couples connection with each other. I focus on helping couples learn to listen to each other’s needs with an open heart and respond to their partners with acceptance. I provide counseling to couples who are ready to change, grow and learn with their partner.
I conduct Individual therapy for adolescents who are struggling with emotional and behavioral problems. Family therapy incorporates parents with or without their child to learn effective ways to communicate with their children and manage behavior problems. I help adolescents learn new approaches to solve problems and express emotions. I also focus on building adolescent’s ability to manage distress and create caring relationships with everyone in their life.
— Carl Rogers